Waridi is Swahili for rose, the quintessential definition of beauty. A rose is useful in many ways. It has the ability to stir up emotions, desires and at the same time inspires a pleasant change in the atmosphere. The rose is a beautiful flower, delicate in nature and needs to be nurtured in order to blossom into the beautiful flower it was meant to be.
Women are like roses, beautiful, valuable and have the ability to change the environment for the better. Their virtues of love, mercy, patience, resilience are like the sweet aroma that emanate from the rose, precious and impactful, and have the ability to draw others just like a bee is drawn to the sweet fragrance of the rose. This magazine is meant to motivate, inspire and connect in issues that affect women not only in Kenya but around the world, in order for them to grow into the beautiful rosy blossom they were intended to be.
Behind every story there is some inspiration. Behind every problem there is a solution. Today, women are faced with many challenges in many areas of their lives. They may differ from person to person but all women can identify with some struggles they face.
This magazine is intended to encourage women to master the strength and courage to move beyond whatever struggles they face, to inspire women to be the best they can be in different areas of their lives whether it is character, career, finances, relationships etc and connect on issues affecting them.
Guess what, women will be contributing on these issues. Hope you like this magazine.
Be blessed.